about projects blog
Vincent Maston
Software Developer
Vincent Maston

Personal Website

GitHub Link

This website was built using pure HTML, CSS and Javascript from scratch as a way to display my proficiencies in web development. The only framework in use is Jekyll, which I have used to deliver some content dynamically such as these project and blog entries. There were numerous iterations before landing on this final design, and many features (such as a colorpicker, collapsible sidebar and cookie manager) which were later scrapped as they went beyond the scope of this simple project.

Currently I am using GitHub Pages as my webhost and Namecheap as my domain registrar.

I’ve made use of media queries to provide a mobile-friendly viewing experience, while still retaining all parts of the design on the desktop version.

Hosting a NestJS App on CPanel This is a tutorial on how to host an NestJS app on a CPanel instance.
Hosting an Angular App on CPanel This is a short tutorial on how to host an Angular app on a CPanel instance.